For all Classes at the Greek Cathedral: Girls Academy and HS Prep

A reminder that the Spring II season coincides with the Greek Festival, which means that the gym is shut down for the dates below. The spring is also a time when the Greek campus hosts some big events in which they use the entire campus–which also takes some gym days away from us. Please see all the upcoming days off below and add them to your calendar. 

These were scheduled days off when you registered and is a yearly time off for our program. The festival will be May 17-19 if you would like to experience some amazing Greek food, culture and dancing. 

Days with NO classes:

  • Mondays: May 13, 20, 27 (Memorial Day)
  • Tuesdays: May 14, 21
  • Wednesdays: May 15, 22 and June 5
  • Thursdays: May 16, 23 and June 6

Thank you for your understanding and flexibility. If you haven’t already registered for our full 8-Week Summer session, you can do so by clicking the link below and receive our VIP Discount. Registration takes about 10 seconds.